Past research confirms selecting employees based on their personality can drastically improve the quality of an organization’s workforce, but as a Human Resource manager how do you know which personality types to select for? Even if you have an ideal employee profile in mind how do you go about assessing applicants in a fair and valid manner? At AAI we have done the hard work for you. Our Work Safety Inventory (WSI) is one of many personality assessments we offer that can help you select the best applicants for your organization. Specifically, the WSI measures individual’s attributes that are importance to a high functioning workforce such as being a team player, adapting to changing situations, following rules and safety guidelines, and exerting a high amount of effort.
A large manufacturing company having turnover issues contacted AAI to see if we could help reduce their recruitment costs. After administer the WSI to current employees we found empirical evidence that scores on the WSI were related to performance measures such as how often employees were absent from work, how often they were late, the number of grievances filed against an individual and even an individual’s number of accidents. These statistical relationships support the use of the WSI in selection to avoid selecting individuals with these negative tendencies. In fact, after this organization added the WSI to their selection system they were able to decrease their turnover from 40% to 3%, or from about 60 new hires a year to only three to five! Contact AAI to see how adding the WSI to your organization’s selection system can help YOU select better and more productive workers.