Many jobs can be highly dangerous and require strict rules and procedures around safety. Despite organizations spending thousands to millions of dollars on safety equipment, developing safe procedures, and creating the safest work environment possible given the job, many still experience avoidable accidents. Any job will have human error and accidents can happen, but thousands of minor and major accidents everyday could be prevented if people were more careful or just followed the guidelines and procedures. AAI’s Safety Solutions helps organizations identify and hire the people who work hard to be safe on the job and reduce potential accidents.
The “Bad Apple” Problem
There are several reasons for preventable accidents at work – people don’t pay attention to details, they’re undependable, they show up late or not at all, or just don’t care – but a major problem for many organizations is the lack of cooperation among coworkers. Often times, a team or group has one or more individuals who refuse to help their coworkers and even get into fights while at work. This can cause serious disruptions to production and performance as coworkers lose trust in each other which can lead to accidents. “The one bad apple spoils the barrel.” The issues the organizations encounter are largely related to personality.