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Beyond the primary reasoning abilities of Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract Reasoning, many jobs (particularly those associated with manufacturing and production) also require a more specific ability: Mechanical Comprehension – an understanding of basic mechanical and physical principles.  Mechanical Comprehension is a prerequisite for many roles that involve operating equipment or machinery and solving problems related to their operation and maintenance.  The assessment of mechanical comprehension and aptitude began in the 1930’s.  While the underlying principles have not changed, many of the mechanical comprehension tests now in use were originally developed in the 1940’s and 1950’s and appear quite dated to today’s test-takers and users.  To address the need for a modern test that effectively measures applicants’ understanding of mechanical concepts, AAI developed the Mechanical Reasoning Test.

Mechanical Reasoning Test

The Mechanical Reasoning Test is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to understand the workings of simple devices through the recognition and application of basic physical and mechanical principles in order to identify candidates who will be most successful in roles requiring these skills.  Specifically, it covers:

  • Gears
  • Pulleys and Rotational Relationships
  • Levers
  • Gravity, Weight, and Balance
  • Load Distribution
  • Volume and Shape
  • Aerodynamics and Trajectory
  • Hydraulics
  • Heat and Friction
  • Visual Distortion (Optics)
  • Electrical Circuits
  • Identify candidates who understand mechanical principles and basic laws of physics.
  • Predict candidates’ potential for success in roles requiring mechanical reasoning.
  • Identify individuals who have the capacity to quickly learn mechanical principles.
  • Improve selection decisions by identifying qualified candidates.